Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 2

Last night I took a sleeping pill to help with my jet lag and so today I was better rested than before. I woke up and went downstairs to eat breakfast. For breakfast I had the equivalent of American frosted flakes, minus the frosted part and a roll. After a shower, Yuho and I planned on going to volleyball club at my school (Momoyama), but in the end not enough people signed up and it was cancelled. Instead, we decided to go shopping at Q's Mall. But first, Yuho did her homework and I rested. I got the 8-year-old brother to take a picture of us right before we headed to Q's Mall:

I got on my first Japanese train to get to the mall. It was pretty exciting! We ended up stopping inside the train station (I think) to eat lunch around 2pm. We went to a restaurant called "Little Mermaid" that was a bread shop. We ended up both getting 3 types of bread. It was very different to me because they had nothing but bread to eat but they also served lots of different drinks and juices. I can't think of any kind of American parallel. After we finished lunch, we got on a couple other trains and subways and started shopping! Here's a picture of the mall from the outside:

This mall is SO much bigger than any mall in Mississippi. It had 5 or 6 floors and so many shops! Yuho showed me around several of her favorite stores in the mall and then asked me what I needed. I ended up buying school shoes, a backpack for school, a wallet-type thing to hold my commuter pass to go to school, and 2 shirts for school. After shopping, we went to a cafe nearby. I (unknowingly) order a HUGE strawberry snow cone with frozen yogurt on top. When it came, Yuho and I were so surprised at how big it was! Here it is:
After we finished, we had to go to the hospital where my host mom works because she had to give Yuho a vaccination. The hospital was really cool, especially because there were more bikes outside than there were cars. The inside was really big and nice. After Yuho got her shot, we headed home in my mom's car. When I got home, I finally finished organizing my room and unpacking everything. That was a big relief! And now, here I am! We'll eat supper in about an hour and then I'll shower and head on to bed. My family is really understanding about my jet lag and how confused my internal clock is, so they let me go to bed early (by 9 or 10) and sleep as late as I want, which has been 7:30am the past 2 days. Now I'm going to go hang out with my younger siblings. Yesterday we watched High School Musical and Phineas and Ferb in Japanese, so we'll see what we'll watch today! 

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